The Save-A-Label program is an extremely successful program, which helps non-profit organizations raise money. Currently,
there are over 13,000 non-profit groups in the AWG trade area that participate in the program.  These groups earn $.03 for
each Best Choice UPC symbol redeemed, with a minimum of 1,000 labels required for redemption. This program represents
more than 1.2 million cases of Best Choice products purchased by consumers in one year!

1. Raise Money for Your School or Any Non-profit Group.
Together we can work to make a difference. It's easy, just save labels for cash.

2. Save Best Choice® Labels... It's Just that Easy
Just save the labels of Best Choice products. Be sure to save the UPC portion (proof of purchase). Your school will earn $30 in
cash for each bundle of 1,000 UPC's sent to us.

3. Where to Find Best Choice?
You will find more than 3,500 Best Choice items at over 2,400 stores in 24 states. Best Choice Products carry a 100% Quality
Guarantee which assures satisfaction with every purchase

Get Started Now!
To participate, complete the REGISTRATION card today. You will receive an information packet as well as a Bonus Label

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